Monday, January 4, 2010

Meet My Little Friend...

First off I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Years! DH and I passed out at 11:15....we did try so hard....only to be woken up by the sound of a bunch of fireworks going off somewhere close by...we mumbled a Happy New Year greeting to each other, gave each other a quick peck and then continued on in slumber land!

Nothing exciting really to report, just trying to be good and work on my resolutions ;)

I did create a number of new files and to that end, I wanted to introduce you to my latest...My Pocket Pal Frog. He will be appearing in the store shortly and wanted to give you a sneak peak!
What I like about him (in addition to his little fly friend!) is that I designed him so you could move the position of his little frog arms around so he can hold a little message for you or if you prefer, you can enlarge him and use the pocket he is stashed away into as a journaling block.
I personally, have a girlfriend who LOVES anything to do with frogs so I used him on the front of a card blank and rubber stamped a birthday cake on a the little piece of paper he is holding under his fingers....the fly is just flitting around LOL!
I'm sure you can all come up with your own uses for him! He is the first in a collection that I will be posting over far I also have a Bear, Giraffe, and a Sock Monkey! If you can think of any other good ones let me know!
I went to the Heart Doctor today for my follow-up to my 2008 Thanksgiving Heart debacle. He did a couple of tests and said I'm golden! Just keep up the good work (i.e. trying to eat better and working out at the gym) and said he looked forward to NOT hearing anything from me and seeing me in a year...woo hoo! Finally, good news!
Well, I guess that's all for now...I'll keep you updated with any changes and let you know what files are coming.
Thanks for checking in!
Eddita :)


Barracudasue said...

Congrats on your clean bill of health from your heart doctor. Praise the Lord!

Your pocket frog is adorable! Can't wait to see the others!

Marcy said...

I love the frog!! We had aquatic frogs for 6 years, so I have a soft spot in my heart for froggies.