Every day brings us one day closer to the end of my very first ever Quarterly Membership! I just finished uploading the file pictured above (EC0145 - A Woodlands Party) so if you are already a member make sure you log into Paperthreads to download this cute file!
It's not too late to sign up! So far there have been 17 files uploaded along with 1 extra one (which you can look at in the upper left corner of the screen in my SLIDE show). I still have a few up my sleeve including a couple of cupcake wrappers for you animal lovers out there....want a sneek peek???
OK...here is the Kitty One
There is also a cute Doggy One as well but I won't bore you with a pic...at least not yet!
How can you get them along with all the rest for just $ 10? Simple...just click on this link to get started!
In other news...it is hotter than all get out right now! We are talking triple digits! DH was saying he could really use some cooler weather...I reminded him that in January when we had snow almost over his head that he was wondering where all the heat was....never happy LOL!
I must say I'm getting pretty tired of the head myself...today there is no way we are venturing out except to walk the dogs....right now Guinness is the perfect pet! Not only is he all about just chillin but he's toilet trained too! Got to love the CaDog!
Hope you all are well...I'll be sharing more a little later on!
Eddita :)